孤岛惊魂4升级补丁|孤岛惊魂4 v1.3.0升级档+破解补丁 下载
孤岛惊魂4 v1.3.0升级档+破解补丁是玩家为UbiSoft制作发行的一款第一人称射击类游戏《孤岛惊魂4》制作的升级补丁。
Far Cry? 4 v1.3.0
Stability & Performance
Fixed some random crashes on all game modes
Fixed various edge case animation issues
Fixed various edge case detection issues
Fixed missing VO for edge case reaction issues
Matchmaking, Connectivity & Replication
Fixed matchmaking edge case issues
Fixed host migration random & edge case issues
Fixed join-in-progress edge case issues
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
Fixed edge case replication issues with systems
Menus and HUD
Fixed various edge case menus and pop-up overlap issues
Fixed Mission objectives & updates issues
Fixed Co-op specific pop-up updates issues
Fixed few localization issues (cut-off text, subtitles)
Fixed progression displaying 100% too early in progress tab
Polished tutorial images
Mission Tweaks (Campaign, Co-Op & Side Content)
Fixed various low repro walkthrough breaks
World & 3D
Fixed various texture issues
Deleted some rare floating objects
Rendering & Graphics Features (PC Only)
Fixed rendering features not available under certain configurations
Fixed multi-monitor display issues
Fixed multiple visual artifacts; added SLI support
Inputs & Controls (PC Only)
Fixed mouse cursor and keyboard functionality
In-Game map editor
Fixed some graphical corruptions
Fixed some edge case issue with maps upload