上古卷轴5巫师3瘟疫女妖生物MOD 下载

上古卷轴5巫师3瘟疫女妖生物MOD 下载




Rotten Maidens exude immense sadness, poor helpless wraiths. People fear them, but most of all, they feel sorry for them. They are the spirits of young women and girls who died violent deaths right before their weddings. Driven mad with pain and anger, they wander the fields searching for their unfaithful lovers or backstabbing rivals, though they will kill anyone who does not get out of their way in time. They are often held in this world by some object of intense emotional significance. That is why, if one ever finds a wedding ring or love letter in the middle of a field, tomb, shrine, abandoned house, one should not pick it up, but instead back away as quickly as possible. Also you must avoid places on Skyrim when a couple have died at the fangs of a predator, or when a poor desolated girl have commited suicide, or have been murdered, well, places with sad love stories, cus their wraith could still be around there, just waiting to ambush anyone who cross their paths of pain and sadness. When you ear their terrible scream, could be later to espace alive.


They are semi-ethereal beings, commonly only seen on rural areas, and according to their deaths they appear in different forms:


Plague Maidens- the brides who have died from sickness before the marriage, and cus that they now are a horrible spirit personifying disease and pestilence. They are probably the most dangerous variant, and they are covered by poisons and diseases, and can cast against you balls of miasmas;


Mournful Maidens- this ones are not murdered or have died from disease, this ones commited suicide after lost their beloved men, cust that they have allways a rope on their necks. They are also the weakest variant, much more ethereal than the others, and unable to cast magic or miasma against you. They will attack just with their claws (that are more sharped than the claws of the other maidens), what makes clouds of dust around you. Probably this is cus they have killed themselves, so, have less anger against others, and more guilty for what they have done;


Noonwraith Maidens- this are the brides killed during daytime, and are covered in blood. They can create powerfull dust gusts to attack you in combat, and are more powerfull than the Mournful Maidens. The sunlight seems to shine on this rotten skin, making them look half-burned;


Nightwraith Maidens- this last ones are the brides killed at night, and are specially covered with darkness powers, probably attached to their spirits when they died cus its during night that the evil spirits walk trough nirn, searching for lost man and woman, alive or not. They are covered in darkness, and can cast the most powerfull type of magic, of all the rotten maidens, a sharped blade of some kind of lunar light. They can also appear during day if you disrupt their resting places, but they are considerable weaker during daytime.


1 new respawnable undead creature- Rotten Maiden in 4 variants: Noonwraith Maiden, Nightwraith Maiden, Plague Maiden and Mournful Maiden

1新respawnable不死生物烂的少女在4个变种:noonwraith nightwraith少女,少女,少女和Mournful Maiden瘟疫

all them have custom behaviour, attacks, effects and sounds


scary ambushes, and the necessity to be aware on exploring


more sad details to already sad locations on Skyrim


more undead creatures for your Skyrim, to make all more creepy











