辐射4 Eli护甲服装整合包MOD v1.5 百度网盘下载
辐射4 Eli护甲服装整合包MOD v1.5是一款由“Nexus – SMB92”制作的游戏模组工具,知识兔适用于Bethesda的大型RPG游戏《FallOut 4》。
《辐射4(FallOut 4)》是一款由Bethesda制作发行的RPG游戏,背景设定是系列一如既往的末日启示录风格。游戏叙述了发生在核爆前(200年前,与前三代故事相同),主角目暏核爆后,被Vault-Tec(避难所科技)的工作人员送到111号避难所。200年后玩家作为111号避难所唯一的幸存者重返地表,并向着波士顿市区出发,展开冒险。游戏的扩展性很强,知识兔使用本文推荐的知识兔这款MOD工具,辐射4Eli服装包mod1.5,Eli为你加入很多废土风的服装,主要以骑手服和赛博朋克为主,不过你需要自己购买材料和配方制作,材质主要以粗麻布和皮革为主。
有很多的settler型服装,一些保险库套装,一些raider armours和一群学院服装。有围巾,围巾,手套,眼镜,包等。你可以在常规的装甲工作台上改变这些物品的外观。
There are a lot of settler-type outfits, some vault suit mashups, a few raider armours, and a bunch of Institute clothes. There are scarves, mufflers, gloves, eyeglasses, bags etc. You can change the appearance of these items at the regular armour workbench.
You can wear armour pieces over these outfits, so I recommend Concealed Armours or similar, so you can hide any pieces that clip.
The main supplier in this mod is Ellie, a custom-voiced NPC. She is a vendor for the armours and provides you with designs to make your own.
You craft new armours at the “Armour Crafting Workbench”, new crafting furniture added by the mod. You need to buy schematics from Ellie to get craft the workbench in settlement. There is also a workbench at Ellie’s shop.
To get all the crafting recipes to show up, you also need to buy designs for them from Ellie. There are 5 types: Vault suit, Raider, Companions, Wastelander and Accessories. Some of them require basic components like leather and cloth, some are using “immersive recipes” (for example, crafting Gunslinger hat requires a Minutemen hat and pilot goggles from Ellie).
Ellie的商店就在钻石城外面,旁边是停车场和杂种狗。她几乎所有的衣服都卖给了她,除了研究所的衣服,这些衣服都是从学院的商人那里买到的。如果知识兔你没有进入研究所的机会,你可以找到一个死的synth,他在马萨诸塞州的马萨诸塞州议会大厦(Boston Commons)内拥有蓝图。有一个你需要发现的地图标记。为了快速旅行。
Ellie’s shop is just outside Diamond City, next to the parking lot with the mongrel dogs. She sells almost all the clothing that this mod adds, apart from Institute outfits, those are found and purchased from the Institute merchant. If you do not have access to the Institute, you can find a dead synth who has the blueprints inside Mass State House (Boston Commons). There is a mapmarker you need to discover. in order to fast travel.
A lot of the items in the mod can be modded (change their colour or graphic): They’re marked with [M]. If you don’t like the name, just rename the item at the vanilla armour workbench where you apply mods. The items you can mod to different colour are:
Muffler, Scarf, Eyeglasses, most t-shirt based outfits, Armoured and Unarmoured Jumpsuit and the Institute Casual Outfit
All clothing can be modded with lining and ballistic weave
材质主要是2 – 4k,基于香草和UHD DLC
Textures are mostly 2-4K, based on vanilla stuff and the UHD DLC
Leveled lists alter NPCs from Minutemen, Institute, Railroad and settlers
Most of the wastelandish outfits have been added to leveled lists so they should appear on NPCs throughout the Commonwealth, especially on dead NPCs that spawn with random clothes. The unfortunate side-effect of this is that it will conflict with other mods that edit those same distribution lists.
This mod includes my companion armours from my Companion Overhaul, some pieces from Armoured Jumpsuits, Armour Collection, Sleeveless Outfits and Apocalypse Accessories. The meshes are improved and this is meant to replace those mods.
请注意,BODYSLIDE文件并不完美。这些都不是性感的,性感的服装,它可以很好地达到极端的身体预设(7B等),知识兔让你的角色看起来像性炸弹。这些服装是为普通的身体/ CBBE的基本形状设计的,知识兔使用低聚的香草的资产。他们的目标是让角色看起来很坏,而不是把他们的身体卖给帽子。所以,当你的手臂被塑形到你的特定的CBBE预置时,它看起来并不一定很好。我没有时间和知识来让我的身体幻灯片比我现在分享的更好。
PLEASE, DO REALISE THAT THE BODYSLIDE FILES ARE NOT PERFECT. These are not sexy, skimpy outfits that morph nicely to extreme body presets (7B etc.) and make your character look like a sex bomb. The outfits are designed for the vanilla body / CBBE base shape, using the low-poly vanilla assets. They aim to make characters look bad-ass, not like they sell their bodies for caps. So, the armours don’t necessarily look good when shaped to your particular CBBE preset. I don’t have the time nor the knowledge to make the BodySlides any better than what I’ve now provided.
运行bodyslide EXE, 在 outfit/body 处知识兔点击下拉菜单找到自己添加的bodyslide服装文件
preview small 和 preview big 可以浏览服装
调节好了,按Ctrl加鼠标左键 知识兔点击 “build” 导出服装NIF。然后知识兔自己拿这些导出的NIF去替换原来的。